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“Remarketing works. It’s a way to convert window-shoppers into buyers.” – Neil Patel

The competition for users’ attention is high in the vibrant digital environment. It’s normal for prospective customers to visit your website, look over your products, and then, for a variety of reasons, depart without making a purchase or acting in the way you don’t want them to.

Remarketing Strategies

Not everything is lost, though. A potent approach to re-engaging these lost visitors and encouraging conversion is provided by remarketing strategies.

In order to help you recapture those lost possibilities, let us examine efficient remarketing strategies and tactics, discuss some effective remarketing strategy examples, and highlight best practices.

Understanding Remarketing Strategies

Remarketing strategies focus on consumers who have previously interacted with your brand or website but did not carry out the intended activity. 

By executing some of the best remarketing strategies, you re-engage customers through tactically designed campaigns across a variety of digital media, reminding them of your value proposition and encouraging them to come back.

Kinds of Remarketing Strategies with Examples

1. Dynamic Remarketing

  • Show users individualised ads based on how they have interacted with your website.
  • For instance, the user’s browsing history can be used by an e-commerce site to display customised product recommendations.

2. Email Remarketing

  • Visitors who left their shopping carts abandoned or left the website without making a purchase should receive follow-up emails.
  • A reminder email featuring pictures and information about the items still in the cart, for instance, could be sent by an online fashion company.

3. Social Media Remarketing

  • Ads that are relevant to their prior interactions might be targeted at lost visitors on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • For instance, a travel operator might display tempting photographs of exotic locations to customers who have looked at holiday packages.

4. Video Remarketing

  • If visitors to your website watched videos but didn’t take any further action, re-engage them by displaying video advertising on websites like YouTube.
  • For example, to promote sign-ups, a fitness app could feature success stories or demo footage.

5. Search Remarketing

  • When they carry out relevant searches on search engines, re-engage lost visitors with targeted ad campaigns.
  • For instance, a software company could display ads to users who previously visited their site when they search for related software solutions.
Remarketing Guide

How to Craft the Best Remarketing Strategies?

Crafting the best remarketing strategies to win back lost leads is tricky and challenging at the same time. Here are some primary aspects to factor in:

1. Segmentation Is Crucial

Depending on their behaviour and tastes, divide your audience into different groups and then tailor ads to each segment for higher relevance and engagement.

2. Create Compelling Ad Creatives

Create ads that are aesthetically engaging, convincing, and effectively convey your value proposition.

3. Decide on the Best Frequency Caps

Don’t overwhelm users with too many ads; this can cause ad fatigue. To achieve a balanced approach, set frequency caps.

4. A/B Testing Helps

To find out what resonates most with your audience, try out various ad formats which is also known as A/B testing, messaging, and images.

5. Leverage Exclusions

Exclude converted users from your remarketing campaigns to focus on those who haven’t yet taken the desired action.

Remarketing strategies give you a second chance to turn lost visitors into worthwhile customers and are a potent weapon in your digital marketing toolbox. Your conversion rates can be considerably increased by utilising these strategies.

Contact IKF, the reputed performance marketing company in India, to boost your remarketing efforts now! We would be delighted to assist you.


1. What are some strategies used to retarget website visitors?

Dynamic remarketing, which involves displaying tailored advertisements depending on users’ individual interactions with your site, is a useful method of retargeting website visitors. A successful strategy is email retargeting too, which sends reminder emails to customers who abandoned their shopping carts or left without doing the desired step. Then there is pixel-based retargeting that places a tracking pixel on a website to track visitors and show them relevant ads across various platforms.

2. How do I retarget a lost customer?

Consider using email remarketing to send targeted follow-up emails with tempting offers or product reminders to retarget a lost customer and dynamic remarketing to present personalised advertising based on their prior interactions. These methods can successfully re-engage your audience and nudge them back to your website.

3. Can I retarget website visitors?

Yes, you can use strategies like search remarketing, email campaigns, dynamic remarketing, and social media advertising to retarget website visitors. With the aid of these strategies, you can re-engage website visitors who have interacted with it but did not take the necessary action.

4. Is retargeting bringing a customer back to your site after they left without buying anything?

Retargeting does really include using techniques like dynamic advertisements, email campaigns, and customised content to attract potential customers who visited your website but didn’t make a purchase or take the desired action before leaving. It seeks to re-engage these visitors and encourage them to come back, thereby raising the possibility of conversion.

Ashish Dalia - CEO & Chief Digital Marketing Strategist
About Ashish Dalia

Ashish Dalia is the CEO & Chief Digital Marketing Strategist at I Knowledge Factory Pvt. Ltd.

Ashish Dalia - CEO & Chief Digital Marketing Strategist
About Ashish Dalia

Ashish Dalia is the CEO & Chief Digital Marketing Strategist at I Knowledge Factory Pvt. Ltd.

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